About Us
Gayatri Temple
The Gayatri Temple is located at 136 Washington Street SE, Suite F, Albuquerque, NM 87108.
We have weekly mantra meditations and monthly puja ceremonies. We also have classes.
For more information, see
Sanatana Dharma Satsang, Inc, is a 501(c)3 religious corporation, #95-4851661.
To donate, please send tax-deductible contributions in the form of checks or money orders, made out to Sanatana Dharma Satsang. The address is:
Sanatana Dharma Satsang
136 Washington Street SE, F
Albuquerque, NM 87108.
You can also make an online donation using PayPal. You may use your regular credit/debit card at PayPal. Click on the Home page button.

Sanatana Dharma Satsang's co-founder and president is Satyabhama/Margalo Ashley-Farrand. She and her late husband, Thomas Ashley-Farrand/Namadeva Acharya (1940-2010) founded the organization in early 2001. He was one of the Western world's foremost authorities on the application of Sanskrit Mantra to life's problems.

​The name Sanatana Dharma Satsang is a Sanskrit phrase that, loosely translated, means the ancient law/right path gathering of people together to learn and share spiritual teachings.
Sanatana Dharma Satsang, Inc., is the IRC 501(c)3 religious organization sponsoring the Gayatri Temple in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
More specifically, Sanatana Dharma Satsang is a nonprofit organization that teaches and promotes:
The practice of ancient wisdom techniques, including especially mantras, pujas/yajnas (religious rituals), and meditative disciplines from the Vedic and Tibetan Buddhist traditions. The goals of such practice include enlightenment, prosperity, and healing on all levels of the body, mind and spirit. Another important goal is the ability to help other people to also experience such benefits.
Respect and understanding for all the world's great spiritual traditions, in the sure faith that although their specific doctrines may differ, their deepest essence comes from the same divine well of inspiration. In the words of Sadguru Sant Keshavadas, "Truth is One, many are the names."
Sanatana Dharma Satsang is currently certifying Mantra Instructors, Pujaris and Priests, after they complete specified course work and pass a written and oral exam.